Home for the Holidays (Wherever that is now)

A mere six weeks after moving out east, I am now back in the midwest to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.  It was a no-brainer for me to come back, but I’m hoping it doesn’t affect my transition from the old home to the new home.  Although I had been out there for six weeks, I had only been living in my new apartment for about two of those.  Those two weeks felt like months based on how much stuff I had to get (and how many trips I had to make) to get the place furnished.  Now, my place is more livable, and IKEA and Target are the richer for it.  Even with all of that was going on, I had to get used to the new digs.  Meeting new neighbors little by little.  Figuring out the new system for things like trash disposal and submitting maintenance requests.  And trying to figure out if those mysterious vibrations in the building are being caused by the myriad HVACs perched atop the roof (i.e. right above me), passing trucks delivering their supplies to the newly-opened Safeway across the street, or both.   

Now, here I am, back in my old bedroom at my parents’ house.  Even though I couldn’t wait to get out of here almost two months ago, it feels really nice to be back.  That said, I’m a little worried that coming back here so soon after moving away may compound my growing pains after I get back there again.  I’ll find out soon enough.