My Take on the 87th Annual Academy Awards

[Disclaimer: I haven’t seen any Best Picture nominees.  In fact, the only movie I’ve seen that was nominated for anything was Unbroken.  I’ll be DVRing Citizenfour tonight on HBO, but who knows when I’ll get to it.]

I don’t know that it was the worst Oscars broadcast ever, but it’s the one I have least enjoyed watching, and that includes when James Franco and Anne Hathaway co-hosted.

I really like Neil Patrick Harris, but watching him last night was like watching a penguin run the 50-yard dash.

That said, the opening number was spectacular.

I’m glad that I no longer have to worry about getting The Theory of Everything and The Imitation Game mixed up.

Jonathan Kimble (J.K.) Simmons: I’ve enjoyed him in everything he’s been in that I’ve seen and am glad he finally got his recognition.  However, if you own a Farmers Policy, don’t be surprised if your premium jumps significantly next month.

Eddie Redmayne: Probably could have won his award just from the preview of Theory alone.  That said, with Birdman getting the love that it did, I’m sure Michael Keaton felt a lot like Bill Murray did when he didn’t win for Lost in Translation.  I wouldn’t blame him. And by the way…

…When did Birdman or: (How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) get the additional parenthetical title?  I guess Birdman (The Desolation of Smaug) was too confusing.

John Travolta: Thanks for being a good sport, but leave the awkward touching to Biden.

Do you think Richard Linklater got any sleep last night?

Could they have used a more unflattering picture of Robin Williams during the “In Memoriam” segment?

Breaking news: Meryl Streep was just nominated again for rolling out of bed this morning.

Cheryl Boone Isaacs: Great speech, but you will forever be known as “The Dick Poop Lady.”

I’m glad Lonnie “Common” Lynn and John “Legend” Stephens won for “Glory” (Seriously, did “Everything is Awesome” even stand a chance?).  However, I still think Adele should have won again for Skyfall.

The correct pronuciation of “Oyelowo” is kwuh-ven-zhuh-nay.

Although I can get annoyed with awards shows, I still love movies and look forward to watching both the winners and non-winners that were nominated this year.