How I Came Up With The Name


After completing a two-year mission assignment in East Africa back in 2012, I fulfilled a childhood dream of traveling around the world. I started in Egypt and continued east until I arrived in St. Augustine, FL a month later. I documented my travels and put them up on sites like YouTube for others to enjoy. This is the mini documentary I made about my experience in Egypt.

Here is everything else you need to know:

-I was in Egypt during the Arab Spring. Less than two months after my visit, Mohamed Morsi would be elected (and then deposed a year later).

-I stayed in reputable hotels and was always with a guide whenever I left the hotel. I was never in a situation where I felt my safety was compromised.

-Some of the sites I visited were off-limits to *any* kind of photography. My guides were even forced to confiscate all of my cameras before entering them. As a result, I was unable to document certain places I visited, like Tut’s tomb. I did, however, find pictures and videos on the internet from some of these places and decided to include this content to allow viewers to experience (in some small way) what I experienced.

-The video I made was nothing more than an attempt to make my vacation videos and pictures more enjoyable. I feel that the “borrowed content” that I used falls under “fair use” in that it promotes education about Egypt and is done so in an entertaining way. Additionally, I am not making a profit on this. I provide my entertainment for free. That said…

-I do not own the rights to the music, pictures, and video clips that are obviously not mine. I gave credit to those responsible for creating the original content.

-I hope this video provides at least somewhat of a different insight into Egypt than most people get by watching the news. I think people from Egypt would even appreciate it as a travelogue for their home country. As a matter of fact, when I posted this on YouTube several months ago, it was starting to get several views in Egypt. Unfortunately, YouTube stepped in and muted the entire soundtrack, so I decided to pull it.
